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More from Christian Aid
For six decades Christian Aid has supported schools with inspiring resources for global learning.
Visit our schools website for assemblies, teaching and learning resources, games, collective worship materials and more!
Here are just a few examples...
Joyful collective worship
Joyful collective worship
Sing Up For Justice
Three songs by Fischy Music plus an exciting resource to unpack those songs and support global citizenship education and spiritual, moral, social and spiritual development.
Inspirational RE
Inspirational RE
Speak Up or Stay Silent?
A comprehensive new resource for RE and RME, covering early years to KS3/S3. A full set of resources is available now.
Arty advocacy
Arty advocacy
Creative for Climate Justice
Creative for Climate Justice is a way for children to express their thoughts and feelings about climate through art or poetry, and then advocate to their local politician. A collaboration between Christian Aid, CAFOD, Oxfam, Save the Children, Send my Friend to School and the Royal Society of Literature.